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Who are you? Brandon "B" Carroll
Little known superpower:The ability to eat more food than anyone, ever. I also cook like a champ.
You are known for your avid knowledge of sports, is this correct? Yes, I should be a commentator. "Peyton Bryant slaps the puck toward the field goal! Oh! So close! Blocked by first baseman Maurice Jones Oneil! See what I did there?

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Who are you? Nash "Nashkins" Kohlmeyer
What is your food combination of choice? So, you mean like what would I put in a goulash?
Maybe, if I knew what that was. What is it? It's maple syrup, leftover pancakes, pizza, and bacon mixed together.
Wow! Have you ever had anything bacon-centric that you regret eating? No way, I love bacon too much.

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Who are you? Michael "Tuberider" Yunick
Why is your nickname tuberider? Because I get shacked more than the average surfer bro!
Oh. Would you consider yourself an expert in shacking? Of course! What can I say, I like the green room!
Have you ever shacked someone else?! I'd like to say yes, I have a time or two!
Make me laugh. Go. How am I supposed to make you laugh?
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Who are you? Isabel Delgado
How tall are you? Five foot short.
That's a new way to put it! Why are you so short? Because...I'm afraid of heights.
So, your favorite pasttime is....skydiving? Is that correct? YES! Haha.
You mentioned your admiration of Justin Bieber, care to elaborate? His perfume line is great and he can actually sing.
You wear guys perfume? Wait, that's actually a thing?? Girl's line! (insert emoticon here)I'm a perfume pro!
Does being a perfume professional pay well? I may look into it. In the turning nose department, indeed.
Good luck in your choice of career!
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Who are you? Laurel Chapman
What's your current favorite song? No Rain by Blind Melon.
Who would you rather have as your birth mother: Oprah or the crazy lady from Misery? I'd want Oprah's money, the lady from Misery's determination, and my moms book smarts.
Wow, that's alot to take in. Let me think about that for a second. Okay, I thought about it and I feel good about it. You were names "Fashion and style of the 80's expert" of the year last year, and you won a ton of cash for it. Care to comment on being famous and rich? The hair is half the battle.
Michael couldn't do it, so we'll try with you. Make me laugh. A spider gave me his business card the other day...turns out he was a web designer.

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